Oslo Consulting - Use Cases

Design Projects Completed

  • MyLnker Pitch Deck

    MyLnker - Bio Site Pitch Deck

    The client came to me with existing creatives and a great concept. The project started with deliverables around a comprehensive market study report on bio-sites in North America, with a niche focus on Canada. This led to a refresh of their existing pitch deck and other branded collaterals.

  • Speech Pilot - Website

    Squarespace website built for an amazing client launching in the speaker coaching, editorial and business communication empathy space. I built their website in under a week and continue to help them maintain it.

  • Speech Pilot - Logo Creation

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Speech Pilot - Brand Board

    The full service offering. I like to provide my clients with a brand board to help keep the design on track. From fonts to brand colours and logo variations.

  • Folio Median Website

    Folio Median - Website

    Squarespace website built for a growing business in the Omnichannel tech space. I built their website refresh and pitch deck. I will be taking over their social media on Linkedin in the coming months to align the brand.

  • Folio Median Logo

    Folio Median - Logo Creation

    To align branding in the website refresh, Folio Median opted to have a logo created. In keeping with their existing brand font we added a industry element to the logo that will look great in all of their digital assets.

  • Folio Median Brand Board

    Folio Median - Brand Board

    The full service offering. In taking on the website refresh, logo creation and social media posts, I provided Folio with a Brand Board that will help them stay on track with respecting the new design.