Organizational change and development are inevitable - how you approach change is key to weathering the storm.


  • Change Management

    I’m here to help facilitate the change your company is experiencing through hyper-growth, downsizing or economic instability.

    I offer hands-on support for short to long-term needs. Sharing insights and solution-based experiences and adjusting to your ever-changing needs.

    We’ll walking out the change and support the fall-out using Prosci’s methodology and the ADKAR Model.

    Leverage my 20 years of experience in managing challenging changes within an organization.

  • People Management

    Be the Manager people won’t leave.

    Let’s equipe your people managers with the essential tools they need to run an efficient and motivated team - driving engagement and growth.

    I’ll provide guidance to having the difficult conversations - sharing how to approach challenging personas by role-play responses that provide a positive relationship-building outcome.

    We’ll analyse situations through personalized one on one’s with your employees to identify possible flight risks, bad apples who create a toxic environment, and identify career growth paths to facilitate and mentor the existing talent pool within your organization with the goal of putting an end to employee churn.

  • Process Management

    Looking to create operational efficiencies?

    Untangle blocked processes. Train new hires. Facilitate change. Retain great people.

    Whether you’re a startup or a legacy business, processes needs to be outlined or revisited regularly. Always seek to improve. A company that doesn’t reinvest in the way they work will fall behind and potentially lose great talent and loyal customers.

    Bring me in to assess and provide a report on action items that are quick wins to long term strategies.

  • Brand Strategy

    How you get your message across and connect with your client base is ever-changing.

    Having an online presence; be it a website, social media accounts or print publication is key to your brand success.

    Let’s put your best foot forward!

    Bring me in to help you create a brand board, logo, website or social media templates that you can quickly grab to get your message out there.

Benefits of Hiring a Consultant or Coach

An impartial ear or approach is often the first step you need to welcome the conversations that challenge your organization. Consultants open the door for those conversations to happen and give you the tools you need to take the first step in the right direction, adjust or realign and build a more durable foundation that has legs for years to come.

My “question everything” and timed approach will help you prioritize and structure the low-hanging fruit versus the largest hurdles; putting a plan together that is achievable and budget-friendly.

“Ask me about my Employee Engagement Survey and how you get to your WHY.”

— Sherri